5.1.2 Status Update #2

Posted on Jul 02, 2012

Well – 5.2 or 5.1.2 still has to be decided! We do know there will be a 2 on the end!

Every now and then we get a forum request to support the WordPress CubePoints plugin and back in the alpha days of version 5 James Holding wrote a Simple:Press plugin to do just that. We recently talked to James to enquire whether he had plans to extend the plugin and keep it up to date whereupon he happily made it available to us to develop on. We have, this past week, bought it up to date and added a template function that can display a users points within the forum and that is currently on internal testing and can hopefully be released soon.

A second plugin eagerly awaited by some of our users and popularly requested – Post By Email – is taking longer in testing than we would have liked. The main problems have been the lack of standards in email clients – including the most popular and widely used and, believe it or not, tantalising but totally undocumented features in the php IMAP functions – some of which might be a real help if only we knew how to use them! And this is a common complaint! But – we are getting nearer and are now hopefully down to minor nits and cleanups. The really good news is that we should be able to support attachments for those users who have the IMAP php library installed – and this is commonly available.

The third plugin we are readying for release reached a milestone this week when it was signed off from internal testing and that is our new native Simple:Press Polls plugin. Once again this plugin is tied to our next core update so no actual release date yet – but it is on the way.

One of the more significant and again a much requested feature finally made it into testing this last week and that is uploading attachments in Private Messaging. This one caused a lot of late nights and cups of coffee to get into place!

And finally this week – apart from the usual collection of small bug fixes and minor enhancements – we are trialling some changes to the new/unread posts handling system and if all goes well we can start to preserve a users unread post list across sessions instead of wiping them out when they log out or timeout. This is currently running on our support forum so please do report any anomalies you might come across while browsing.

As always, you can follow our development and see the status of bugs and new features on our bug tracker page.