Announcing Beta 1 of Simple:Press Forum V4.2

Posted on Jan 17, 2010

We are pleased to announce the Beta 1 Release of Simple:Press Forum 4.2. We invite the SPF community to join in the testing of this beta release software. Curious about what’s coming in SPF 4.2? Be sure to read our 4.2 Preview post.

If you are planning on using this beta release it is important that you read all of the notes in the README file on the 4.1 Beta 1 Download page below BEFORE replacing your current version or activating the plugin. A summary of those notes is included below.

We anticipate that there will be 2 or 3 Beta versions of software as we address any issues that might arise. There will also likely be at a Release Candidate version before the Gold release of V4.2. If all goes well, the Gold version should be available in mid to late February.

We have set up a special forum to address SPF 4.2 Beta issues or questions that might arise during the SPF 42 Beta test program. You can grab the the beta version on our Simple:Press Forum V4.2 Beta 1 Download Page.

As usual, any and all feedback is welcome! We are excited about v4.2 as it continues are progress and vision that we have for Simple:Press Forum.