At Long Last – 5.3.0 is Released

Posted on Aug 02, 2013

summer-sunAs our last ‘major’ release – 5.2.0 – hit the shelves last December in the middle of our northern hemisphere winter it seems somehow appropriate that 5.3.0 debuts in the middle of our most glorious summer for many years – at least here in the UK.

Yes – it has been a very long time coming but at last, after a couple of months of delay, WordPress 3.6 is finally available which means we can get our 5.3.0 into the wild, full of WP 3.6 support, large numbers of bug fixes and, hopefully, some new features to please many of our users. And it also means we can now make available a large number of updates to plugins that have been waiting in the wings for WordPress 3.6 to drop.

As always, the changelog is available from the forum admin (Toolbox section) to see a full list of all the changes and ticket numbers delivered in 5.3.0. And for all of you with custom Simple:Press themes, we have, as usual, published a full list of the changes made in 5.3.0 themes – some of which you may wish to adopt.

Over the next week or two, there will be some new Simple:Press plugins launched – nine in total – including a BuddyPress integration plugin and one that adds a Blog Search to the forum search tools. Watch out for announcements on these new plugins as they are released.

And next up – as promised – we will be putting the final touches to our Mobile theme – named ‘Unified’ – and getting a beta release out to members who may wish to give it a tryout. Again – watch out for an announcement shortly.