Behind The Scenes

How We Do Backups

Introduction Occasionally we write about how we run out business – the tools and technology we use. This article is one of those and it covers a very important topic that many sites and business don’t pay enough attention to. Hopefully by reading this you’re reminded to take another look at how your backups work […]

Move To Semantic Versioning Complete

If you’ve never heard the term “semantic version”, don’t feel bad – most end users of software have never heard the term either. But more and more, software is using the concept to govern the release numbers that are assigned to new public releases. In the case of Simple:Press, we’ve completed our to move to […]

Free Silver Level Subscription To Simple:Press? Learn How You Might Get One Here

Unfortunately this offer is no longer available – the project is in full swing at this point with all volunteer slots filled. Introduction We just finished up an analysis of what new functions our customers require from Simple:Press where we learned that the most wanted feature was a new, more modern/simpler theme. Accordingly we have […]

Survey Results – And Our Plans

We sent out a survey last week asking our users to let us know what we should be building next. Here are the results from that survey and our plans for using those results. We would like offer a HUGE “Thank You” to all of our users who responded to this survey. While the survey […]

Behind The Scenes: Evaluating WordPress Hosts

One of the big obstacles to developing WordPress plugins is the wide variety of hosts on which they will run.  Each host deploys WordPress a little differently.  And those differences can sometimes cause subtle maddening quirks in the operations of plugins. Some ways in which host environments might vary are: PHP Versions Default Caching Plugins […]