Until now. Coming soon to the Simple:Press community will be a new plugin for Simple:Press that will allow you to once again send emails in HTML format. Email client and web mail apps standards support has improved to the point where this looks pretty feasible now, though still not perfect. And by doing it as a plugin for Simple:Press, if there are issues, you can always revert back to plaintext emails.
So with this upcoming HTML Email plugin, you will be able to send the following emails in HTML format:
- New user emails (both to user and admins)
- Password change emails (both to user and admins)
- SP admin new post notifications
- Subscription emails (both notifications and digests)
- New private message emails
- Report post emails
- Mentions emails
Each of those emails can be customized with the desired text and html formatting you desire. For the emails, we give you a series of placeholders to use for insertion of data in the desired locations of your text and formatting. Additionally, the plugin will allow you to define a series of global css styles to be used in the emails, as well as global headers and footers that can be used in the HTML emails for things like logos and links.
When will this plugin be available? Very soon! It’s in final phase of testing and will release soon after WP 4.1 and Simple:Press 5.5.3 release (matter of couple weeks). In fact, if you receive emails from our Simple:Press support site, you should start seeing the HTML emails from us as we have activated the plugin here for final testing – and to show a glimpse of the possibilities of the formatted emails that can be done.
Very cool!