Followed By – 4.2 Beta 2

Posted on Feb 05, 2010

We released Beta 2 of our forthcoming version 4.2 the other day and then both forgot to write a quick blog post!
Hopefully we picked up all the major issues that the first beta round showed up. We particularly want to get the Install and Upgrade routines less likely to fail which they have on a very small number of users in the past. Please report on the 4.2 Beta support forum any problems you may encounter in this area.

It would actually be nice to hear from people who do NOT have any problems! Support forums tend to just get filled by those encountering issues which can sometimes give us the false impression that nothing works. So if you have installed or upgraded to 4.2 beta and all went smoothly then it would be good to hear from you as well.

Please remember this is still beta software. Download the ‘readme’ file and backup before installing. And thanks for using Simple:Press Forum.