Simple:Press 4.2.1 Released

Posted on Mar 13, 2010

Today, we have released version 4.2.1 of Simple:Press for WordPress. This is a recommended upgrade for all users at includes an important security fix as well as some other bug fixes against the 4.2.0 release. You can see all the changes that went into v4.2.1 on our Mantis Bug Tracker page for 4.2.1.

With this release, we can now focus our attention on v4.3.0 which will primarily be a compatibility release with the upcoming WP 3.0 version which includes the long awaited (or feared) merger of WP and WPMU. It should be noted that when v4.3 hits the streets, it will require WP version 3.0. We are aiming to have a beta version of SPF 4.3 available when WP 3.0 hits beta.

Of course, as we work the compatibility release, we will continue to support the 4.2.x series also and will make patches available in the patch forum and will still release a new version if warranted.

Once the compatibility release is done, we will turn our focus to v5.0 which, according to plans, will include the long awaited switch to a templating system instead of skins and an API for SPF plugins, plus a few other surprises. Of course plans can change, but that’s the path we have charted.

We hope you enjoy v4.2.1 and as always, stop on by the support forum if you have any issues, questions or suggestions.