Simple:Press 4.4.0 for WordPress 3.1 – Beta for Beta

Posted on Nov 25, 2010

The team have finally released Beta 1 of their next major version of WordPress – 3.1 and once again due to some core changes it is necessary for Simple:Press to release updates.

If you are tempted by beta software and couldn’t wait to try the newest WP then our 4.4.0 Beta 1 release will be required if you also want to load up Simple:Press. It is available now on our download page.

We have been running both WP 3.1 and SP 4.4.0 for a few weeks now on this site with no apparent problems but if you do load it up and come across any issues then please do let us know via the new 4.4.0 support forum.

Version 4.4.0 contains fixes to any and all bugs we were made aware of plus those few, new items we were able to fit in. The main bugs fixed are:

And – some new or improved features include: