Simple:Press 5.0 Ready for Translation

Posted on Jan 02, 2012

With Simple:Press 5.0 having reached Release Candidate status, we have no frozen our strings. This means the translators can now begin the process of translating Simple:Press 5.0.

For 5.0, we are going to do translations a bit different.  We have launched a new collaborative translation site in the hope of coaxing more folks into helping to translate. This new collaborative translation site uses GlotPress, the same localization tool used for WordPress in creating its localized versions.

For SP 5.0, we have broken the translations up into multiple pieces. There is the front end core, the back end administration core, plugins and themes. So the base SP core is broken into two pieces: front end and administration. Each plugin and each theme will have their own translations too.
With GlotPress, users can translate a single string or as many strings as they like.  Additionally, if you disagree with a translation or want to recommend an improved translation, users can do that. 

So head on over to our new Simple:Press 5.0 Translation Site and help translate Simple:Press into your language.

You will need to register on the translation site in order to help translate (yup, that’s a WordPress site hiding in the background).  You can find the register link in the upper right hand corner as well as some getting started information.

As part of the translation process, and to help speed it up, we would like to get a couple 2 or3 Translation Validators for each language. When a translation is submitted, it needs to be approved.  Since the Simple:Press team doesn’t speak all the languages that our users do, these Translation Validators will help the approval process along.  If you would like to volunteer to be a Translation Validator for a language, please let us know via our contact form.

If you don’t see a language listed that you would like to translate Simple:Press into, please let us know and we will see if we can get it added for you.

Again, that new translation site is