Simple:Press Reloaded

Posted on Mar 10, 2012

If you are reading this then you may have noticed that a lot of things have changed around here. The latest and by far the best version of Simple:Press is out in the wild, a fresh lick of paint has smartened up our websites and a new approach to supporting our plugin is in place.

It is with some regret and a fair amount of trepidation mixed with anticipation, that we are moving Simple:Press to a membership support site. The sad truth is that after nearly 6 years of developing and supporting Simple:Press, donations and advertising has rarely covered our spiralling costs and our pockets are only so deep.

Sooner or later we would have had to face the tough decision on whether to close the project down or take the plugin premium and start charging for it. This project has been our labor of love for those six years and we did not want to do either. So we are hoping that the new support membership model we are putting in place will be a good alternative to the other two options.

From now on, we will be asking for a modest payment to get access to what many of our users have continually branded as the best support in the world of WordPress. We wanted, above all, to maintain that appellation and reputation as well as continue to develop and improve Simple:Press into the future with new features and functionality.

It is our sincere hope that our current users will both understand and continue to support us in our goal and that new users will give Simple:Press a test drive and join our community.