Simple:Press Site Redesign

Posted on Jun 13, 2010

Today, we relaunched the Simple:Press site with a brand spanking new design. Thanks to Cory Miller and the team over at iThemes, who graciously donated us a copy of their top of the line iThemes Builder theme, we were able to design a new look we are quite happy with. We even came up with a new forum skin to match.

We had planned to launch the redesign in conjunction with the WordPress 3.0 and Simple:Press 4.3 releases, but we have gotten anxious to get on with the Simple:Press 5.0 development as we have a myriad of improvements/features (including templating and plugins) we want to incorporate. With the continued delay (nothing wrong with getting it right) of WP 3.0, we went ahead and launched the new design, as well as released Simple:Press 4.3. Please note that 4.3 does REQUIRE WP 3.0. When WP 3.0 does launch final, we will update the version number the auto update checker uses as we don’t want to cause confusion with previous versions of WP prior to the formal release.

So, as we are still kicking the tires on the redesign, if you should run across any issues with our site, please report it via the forum or contact page.

Thanks again to iThemes and be sure to look for changes to our Wiki and Translate sites as we bring their appearance in line with the new Simple:Press design.