Simple:Press Update 5.5.9 Released

Posted on Aug 18, 2015

ogFollowing the release of WordPress 4.3.0 today we are pleased to make available version 5.5.9 of Simple:Press. If you update your WordPress core then we recommend updating Simple:Press as well. The WordPress update does effect admin panels in particular which are dealt with in the latest SP.

Simple:Press 5.5.9 is very much a maintenance and bug-fix update with very few new items of any note. One minor exception to this is support for Open Graph meta tags which can be turned on in the SEO settings of the Simple:Press Admin.

Most of the more interesting developments going on at the moment are not quite ready to air but include a new plugin named ‘Reputation’ – a user Karma style sub-system – and a brand new Simple:Press theme that is a little more, well, simple in fact! – currently code-named ‘Barebones’. We hope to bring you both before much longer.

But for now – as always – you can check out the 5.5.9 changelog in your Simple:Press toolbox.