SPF 4.0.3 Goes Beta

Posted on May 17, 2009

The WordPress team released the first beta of their 2.8 version last night and today we have placed our own 4.0.3 update into beta. This is not a coincidence. if you run Simple:Press Forum and choose to upgrade to the new WordPress then 4.0.3 will become a must. Rest assured, it is safe to run on the older version as well – 2.5 up to 2.7.1

As always with beta periods, there are no guarantees of stability but we have been slowly leaking the code onto our site here without any major headaches turning up and, apart form the WP2.8 support, 4.0.3 is virtually all fixes to problems that have turned up since 3.0.4 back in March.

The good news is that with 4.0.3 almost done and dusted we can turn our attention back to 4.1 and all the new goodies we are hoping to pack into that for some time this summer. Well – summer for us in the northern hemisphere that is.

We have been having some server problems recently although hopefully these are now beginning to stabilise but our bug tracking and task management system is still not up and running properly so we can’t give you a link to go look at the 4.0.3 and 4.1 tickets but as soon as all is stable again we will publish the new link.