SPF 4.2 Approaching

Posted on Dec 24, 2009

First off, Andy and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. This is a great time of the year especially for spending time with the family. As such, we might be a little slow around here for the next couple days as we enjoy the holiday season with our families. In addition, we are nearing completion on our next endeavour, SPF version 4.2.

This version has been in development for some number of months now and is maturing nicely. In fact, we have been running an alpha version of 4.2 on the Simple:Press Forum support forum for the last 3 months. It provides us a great test bed for trying out the new features and catching some bugs we might have missed. We are very happy with the progress on 4.2 and are about ready to release it into beta, hopefully, by the end of the year.

The beta period is very important to us. As a two man show, it is very hard for us to fully test a new release given the complexity and myriad of options, components and server set ups that folks might have. We use a beta period, followed by a release candidate period, to try to catch any bugs or issues that might have slipped our testing. We won’t release our software into beta until we have confidence that it can hold up on a production site. That said, there is still some risk in running beta software because it will continue some bugs. But, we ask the SPF community’s’ help when 4.2 reaches beta to test the plugin prior to release.

With the 4.2 beta program approaching, I thought I would update everyone on what new features and bug fixes will be this version of Simple:Press Forum. Here are some of the items that have made the cut and what you can expect in v4.2.

In addition, we have taken an entire look at the security of SPF to make sure we are providing as hardened application as possible. Numerous changes have been made to try to ensure the security of your sites. We have also made some slight reorganization of the admin pages completing the significant admin restructure begun with SPF 4.1. We also provide some new options for admins to control the behavior of their forums. And of course, we have a number of bug fixes for issues that have been discovered in the current version. Despite it’s growing complexity, SPF 4.2 ‘AJAX’ routines should also load a little faster as we have reduced the code footprint.

As always, you can check out the other features and our current status on V4.2 by viewing our bug tracker 4.2 page.

We look forward to getting this new version to our users in beta form by the end of the year and then final gold release around the end of January!

One last item… The SPF team is primarily two folks, Andy and Steve with some WPMU support from Radio (thanks!). If there are any community members out there that would like to join the SPF team, we would be interested in talking with you. We could use some more wp/php developers as well as some folks to help improve the documentation. This project continues to grow in size and popularity. The feature requests keep coming in (and we love em!). But, with just the two of us, we can’t get to everything. Andy and I still have a lot with SPF that we want to accomplish. We will continue to press on, but would appreciate any help that others might be able to offer. Thanks for listening!

Andy (Yellow Swordfish) and Steve (Mr Papa)