SPF 4.3 Beta 1 Available

Posted on Apr 03, 2010

With the release of WordPress 3.0 Beta 1 yesterday, we have released a beta version of our upcoming 4.3 version. WordPress 3.0 has significant changes in it requiring work by plugin authors to maintain compatibility. It also includes the much talked about merge of WP and WPMU (henceforth known as multisite).

In order to use SPF 4.3 Beta 1, you will have to be running the WordPress 3.0 Beta 1 (or later releases).

The 4.3 Beta 1 release includes mostly WP 3.0 compatibility changes and bug fixes, but a few new features have found there way in there too:

You can see all the tickets incorporated into 4.3 here.

We have also set up a special forum for reporting any issues or discussing the upcoming 4.3 version.

We would really like to get some beta testers to play with this version before its release goes Gold. We would especially like some WP multisite testers (formerly wpmu) to have a play with it and make sure we have the compatibility nailed. If you would like to give 4.3 Beta a whirl, please had on over to our downloads page and grab it. Please remember that WP version 3.0 is required for SPF 4.3.