What’s up Docs?

Posted on Nov 08, 2012

By Brandon C

While the team is busy writing new code, adding plugins and features I thought I would give everyone an update on the Simple:Press Codex documentation.

The Codex is the online manual for Simple:Press or as we say on it’s home page.
The repository for everything you need to know about Simple:Press Version 5.

From Installing the Simple:Press plugin into your WordPress site and getting started building your forums, to customizing your Simple:Press theme and writing a plugin to extend your site with just what you need – we hope you will find the information you need in the Codex.

That is the place you will find details on how to install Simple:Press, installing and using Simple:Press plugins, how to create a custom theme, or tweak settings like breadcrumbs or statistics and even more! If you frequent the forums you will see, almost on a daily basis, a reference link to something in the codex.

If you have a question or looking how to accomplish certain tasks the codex is the first place to look. I personally have written about 200 entries but still refer to them almost on a daily basis to refresh my memory on certain subjects.

Unfortunately during the first part of this year quite a few entries were not complete.  In the last couple of months  we have taken huge strides in adding new documentation. Over 150 new pages of information and updates to previous entries have been added over these last couple of months.

Here is a breakdown of some of the latest additions or information added to the Codex.

We also watch the forum questions and when there is a question that should be answered in the Codex or a recommendation on an entry we take them seriously and add the information to the Codex so everyone can benefit.

So what are we working on now?

The main goal for the next couple of weeks is to finish the all the Display Template Functions. Which is about a 150 more pages.  🙂 At the same time keep updating current entries with any new features added. Like the new cool filters just added to the subscriptions plugin and the soon to be released, into beta, the Post by Email Plugin.  (Btw, you can request to beta test in the plugin forum)

Take a look around the Codex if you have any questions, if you don’t find what you are looking for or if something could be explained in more detail shoot us a note. We would also love more help with the Codex.  If you have a tip or want to document some information that you can refer to later let us know and we will add you to the contributors list.