BBCode Editor
The old Forum Favourite BBCode Editor
Originally devised to provide an easier and safer way of allowing users to format their messages, BBcode or Bulletin Board Code has become a common and popular format. Naturally the BBcode plugin adds a potentially more familiar editor for your users when making posts.
Quicktags BBCode is based on WordPress ‘Quicktags’, which feature one-click buttons inserting the code for you, including:
- [b]bold[/b]
- [i]Italic[/i]
- [u]Underline[/u]
- [img]Image[/img]
- [url]Link[/url]
- and more.
User Choice
Adding to the flexibility of all the editor plugins we have available, once installed your users will have the option to individually choose which editor they want to use from a list generated by all active editors you have, directly from within their profile.