HTML Emails

Create professional looking Emails to send to your Users

Let’s face it – the Emails sent out by WordPress are dull and unimaginative. And they do not allow for a personalized, professional look.

With our HTML Emails plugin you can change all of that! You can add styling, images and color to the emails that are sent to your users. All the standard emails are covered, like New User registration, Change of Password and the Admin’s New Post Notification. But so are emails generated by other Simple:Press plugins such as:

  • Mention and Tag Users
  • Report Post
  • Private Messaging
  • Subscriptions

Creating the Template for a New Private Message Email

You can also create global CSS and header and footer templates to be applied to all of your emails:

Setup Global CSS and Email Header and Footer

Here is an example of what an HTML email could look like:


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