Unified Theme

A Responsive theme for Desktop, Tablet and Phone Use

With it’s typical forum look and feel, Unified is a fully responsive Simple:Press theme with special emphasis on mobile usage.

It comes bundled with 10 ‘overlays’ – colour variations – to help match a users WP theme base styling. A child theme framework for Unified is available for download to aid user customisation.

Note that any Simple:Press theme sits on top of your WordPress theme and to fully achieve Unified’s responsiveness on different platforms then a WordPress responsive theme is also required.


All theme screenshots are taken from our support forum and may contain elements, such as custom icons, that are not pre-supplied but can be added by the end-user or, in some cases, from additional plugins

Child Theme Framework

If you need to customise your Unified theme then the Unified Child Framework is what you need.

Unified Child Theme Framework

Customise your Theme safely with our Child Theme Framework

Need more than one add-on?

Get this and more than 70 other add-ons, plus premium support, for $199.