Simple:Press news

  • Coming Soon: HTML Emails Plugin

    Several years ago, Simple:Press use to send all of its emails in HTML format. Unfortunately, email clients and web mail apps support for HTML emails was pretty non-standard and sporadic. The HTML emails actually caused more problems and support issues than they were worth. So, unfortunately, we abandoned them and reverted to plaintext emails. Over…

  • Simple:Press Version 5.5.3 – Progress Update

    Since the release of 5.5.2, we have been working, as usual, on the next incremental version – 5.5.3 – and it is time, we thought, to bring things up to date on where we are with that and what might be coming down the line. As has happened in the past, one of the main…

  • Plugin Updates – November 23, 2014

    Today, we have released updates to several of our plugins for Simple Press. Bans This release corrects an issue when banning multiple IP addresses where a recent WordPress filter change would cause linebreaks to be converted to \n characters. Prune DB This release does not introduce any additional features but simply adds a link to…