Short Take: How To Fire Up Your Own WordPress Server

Posted on May 26, 2020


There are many reasons to run your own WordPress server. If this is something you’re thinking about, there are a number of resources that you can tap into in order to make this happen. Check out two of them below:

1. A Dozen Ways To Figure Up Your Own WordPress Server

Here’s a comprehensive list of ways to fire up a WordPress server. It starts from a the easiest methods and move on to more complex ideas when you’re running multiple servers.

2. Building It Manually

Want to build your server manually? If you really really want to understand how a WordPress server is built from the ground up (and maintained on an ongoing basis), has a great step-by-step article:

Are you thinking about building out or managing your own WordPress server? Drop us a note and let us know how it goes and what’s driving that decision!