Simple:Press 5.6.6 is Released

Posted on May 07, 2016

integrated-circuitAs promised, we are pleased to release version 5.6.6 of the core Simple:Press plugin. It may seem a little soon after 5.6.5 but as a few people discovered, we lost our ‘hack’ to correct the damage done by WP themes using the Bootstrap JavaScript library. So 5.6.6 puts it back where it belongs.

But just because this is a smaller than usual release doesn’t mean there is nothing new on offer. Along with a few fixes, clean-ups and tidies, 5.6.6 also includes:

And the image above commemorates the anniversary today of Geoffrey Dummer, an English electronics engineer and consultant, publishing, in 1952, the very first concept of an integrated circuit. And that, made it possible for you, to be reading this!