SImple:Press Version 5.1.2 Update #3

Posted on Jul 07, 2012

Yes, that’s right. We have finally decided what to call the next version. It really hinged around timing and content. As we have stated before, we want to shoot for more smaller, manageable updates rather than fewer larger ones. Thus, the next release will indeed be called 5.1.2.

That’s a slight misnomer has there are more than just bug fixes in this version. There is a wealth of new content, but more importantly, there will be multiple new plugins that will be available after this release. Andy has talked about several of those plugins in the past, so I won’t dwell on them again except to update you on Post by Email.

We continue testing the Post by Email plugin. Its working really well for replying to admin notifications, subscription notifications and for creating new topics. The testing has run into some issues when these posts by email include an attachment. We really want to include this feature and will continue trying to run the issues to ground. The biggest issue is that despite there being an SMTP protocol, its seems most email clients still choose to do things their own way. We will keep you up to date on the progress of this plugin.

A couple of new plugins that we have written since the last update have been open tickets for a long time – years in fact. But, with the 5.0 API and themes and plugins now in place its much more possible to do them. Its still early and things could change by release date, but we are very optimistic that for 5.1.2 we will have new plugins available for allowing users to select their own SP theme overlay that they see and also allowing them to select the language that they want to view the forum in. Both plugins are through preliminary coding and undergoing testing now. We are excited about these as it gives your users more flexibility.

So when will 5.1.2 release? The exact date is still being worked out, but I feel pretty confident it will be before the end of July. We are shooting for within the next couple weeks, but as always, the release date will be driven by our testing and the readiness of the code. The software is pretty much feature complete with only a handful of open tickets against it. As always, you can follow along with the release on our bug tracker page.

In our next update, we might even have a bigger announcement/surprise for folks interested in Simple Press. Stay tuned!