Support Forum
Wordpress Version 5.1.1
Current Version: Simple:Press | Version
Tried manual upgrade to Version 6.1.0
The following is the result:
Any suggestions on how to fix?
A couple of things to try:
1. Verify that your theme and plugins are all V 6.x compatible.
2. Flush your caches - this includes any plugin cache as well as any CDNs such as cloudflare or maxcdn and any cache that your host might have such as redis.
3. Go to FORUM->TOOLBOX->HOUSEKEEPING and click the following buttons:
- Flush General Cache
- Flush XML Cache
- Reset combined CSS cache
- Reset combined JS cache.
Don't push the buttons too fast - wait for the confirmation messages at the top of the screen before clicking the next button.
Finally, if none of these work, try restarting the Apache and PHP Services on your WordPress server.
Hopefully this all resets things for you.
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