Support Forum
Hi all,
After reading the Codex page for this plugin I know this is a) a very simple, minor edit and b) I know too little php to even manage that 🙁
I understand which line I need to edit, but playing with it didn't get the desired result ...
apply_filters(‘sph_report_post_email_subject’, sprintf(__(‘[%s] questionable post report’, ‘sp-report’), get_option(‘blogname’)), $posted, $reporter)
Since I use 'Post by email' to post reports to a moderator forum, I would very much like the subject to read:
(Name of reporter) reported (name of poster) in (topic title).
Since the subject line becomes the title topic in the mod forum, this would help us all a lot 🙂
Thanks for helping out a gal who needs to buy herself a copy of 'php for idiots' 😀
yes, you can change the subject/body of the report post email to be what you like... you do with the filters.. you would not need to edit the code itself...
if you need a primer on how wordpress filters work, see:
to change the subject, you use the filter: sph_report_post_email_subject
to change the body, you use the filter: sph_report_post_email_msg
for detailed support on using wp (and our) filters, please open a new topic in the support forum...
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