Support Forum
Sorry, that was a careless mistake on my part. It should in fact read:
Posted by JanetBarclay, Sep 2, 2010
Thanks for the input Janice.
I tried posting your code on pastebin but it added so many blank lines to the code and it kinda freaked me out. I've ran into problems posting bash scripts there in the past and had problems with it adding dos linebreaks. Not sure if php would complain or not. So forgive me if I trash this thread posting here.
Here is the function that creates a new template tag:
Edit: It didn't post well here either. Too wide to access the "raw code" button. Here's a pastebin link.
/* ===================================================================================== sf_latest_posts_truncate($limit=5, $trunhars=300, $pad="...") displays the quicklinks dropdowns for forum list and recent topics list and trims content length if needed. parameters: $limit How many items to show in the list number 5 $trunchars How many charectors to find truncate point (will leave complete words) number 300 $pad If content needs trimming, this will be added to the end of it. string "..." ===================================================================================*/ function sf_latest_posts_truncate($limit=5, $trunchars=300, $pad="...") { global $wpdb, $current_user, $sfvars; $limit = sf_esc_int($limit); if (empty($limit)) return; sf_initialise_globals($sfvars['forumid']); $out = ''; $where = " WHERE ".SFPOSTS.".post_status = 0"; # limit to viewable forums based on permissions if (!$current_user->forumadmin) { $allforums = sf_get_forum_memberships($current_user->ID); if ($allforums) { $forum_ids = ''; foreach ($allforums as $thisforum) { if (sf_can_view_forum($thisforum->forum_id)) { $forum_ids[] = $thisforum->forum_id; } } } else { return ''; } # create where clause based on forums that current user can view if ($forum_ids != '') { $where .= " AND forum_id IN (" . implode(",", $forum_ids) . ") = 1"; } else { return ''; } } $posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT post_id, topic_id, forum_id, post_content, post_index, ".sf_zone_datetime('post_date').", ".SFPOSTS.".user_id, guest_name, ".SFMEMBERS.".display_name FROM ".SFPOSTS." LEFT JOIN ".SFMEMBERS." ON ".SFPOSTS.".user_id = ".SFMEMBERS.".user_id ".$where." ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT ".$limit); $out.='<div class="sf-latest">'; if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $thisforum = sf_get_forum_record($post->forum_id); $poster = sf_build_name_display($post->user_id, sf_filter_name_display($post->display_name)); if (empty($poster)) $poster = sf_filter_name_display($post->guest_name); $topic = sf_get_topic_record($post->topic_id); $out.='<div class="sf-latest-header">'; $out.='<a href="'.sf_build_url($thisforum->forum_slug, $topic->topic_slug, 0, $post->post_id, $post->post_index).'">'; $out.=sf_filter_title_display($topic->topic_name).'</a>'; $out.=__(' in ', "sforum"); $out.='<a href="'.sf_build_url($thisforum->forum_slug, '', 1, 0).'">'.sf_get_forum_name($thisforum->forum_slug).'</a>'; $out.='<br />Posted by '.$poster . ', ' .sf_date('d', $post->post_date); $out.='</div>'; $out.='<div class="sf-latest-content">'; if($current_user->moderator == false && $status == 1) { $content = __("Post Awaiting Approval by Forum Administrator", "sforum"); } else { $content = addslashes($post->post_content); $content = sf_filter_save_nohtml($content); $content = htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $content = str_replace('&', '&', $content); if(strlen($content) > $trunchars) { $content = substr($content, 0, $trunchars); if(false !== ($breakpoint = strrpos($content, ' '))) { $content = substr($content, 0, $breakpoint) . $pad; } } } $out.=$content; $out.='</div>'; $out.='<br />'; } } else { $out.='<div class="sf-latest-header">'; $out.='<p>'.__("No Topics to Display", "sforum").'</p>'."\n"; $out.='</div>'; } $out.='</div>'; echo($out); return; }
You can just put the above directly in the bottom of:
/wp-content/plugins/simple-forum/template-tags/sf-template-tags-lists.php if you wish. But you will lose it if Simple:Press is upgraded.
I'm not sure if this is proper, but it's working for me… you can rename /wp-content/plugins/simple-forum/forum/sf-pluggable.txt to sf-pluggable.php and place the function in there. It will survive upgrade and seems to work. If Steve or Andy have a better suggestion, I'd love to know about it 🙂
Once your function is in place you just edit your WordPress theme to include the tag where you would like it to show up.
<?php if (function_exists('sf_latest_posts_truncate')) { sf_latest_posts_truncate(5, 100); } ?>
This is set to show 5 posts, and the cut off is no more than 100 characters. Just change the numbers to your liking. You also have the option of changing what trails the cut off. The default is three dots.
sf_latest_posts_truncate(5, 100, "...")Just make sure there is a comma and a space after where the 100 is shown. Then add what you want between quotes.
If you put this tag in a sidebar sized container it will look pretty good as is. Otherwise you will need to add css styles to control the size.
Have fun 🙂
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