Support Forum

I have a decent sized (around 3500 members, 100,000 posts) forum that runs on YaBB. For a variety of reasons I'd like to migrate it to Simple:Press.
If anyone is interested in working on this project, please email me at and I can provide additional details and work something out.

I am willing to have a look and if the database schema/structure is straightforward and similar in build to other forum systems then it might be possible to add it fairly painlessly to our importer framework. Because of other pressures and commitments, that is the only way I would be able to do it. I can look at the software but to make a judgement I really need a sql dump copy of the database to be imported.

YaBB runs on a flat file system, there is no sql dump. So unfortunately, since I can't find any documentation regarding the format of those files, there is some reverse engineering that will have to happen. My hope was to at least find someone who would know simple:press and only have to figure out one end of the conversion.
If that's something you feel like taking on I can provide you with a sampling of those files.
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