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Somewhat related:
I downloaded and installed/activated said importer in my WP v3.3.1 installation. Having installed a clean SimplePress v4.5.1, I can't seem to find the importer menu anywhere at all in WP. Am I missing something? Does the "v5" in the importer name imply it's only for the SimplePress v5 beta?
Thanks in advance
--Jakob Tischler
Thanks for the quick reply.
Still, the last item in the SP menu is still "WP Integration". Though I found out I can actually access the Importer directly via the url (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=sp-import/admin/spimport-setup.php).
Now, I know this is hijacking the topic a bit, but I ran into another problem: I'm trying to import the bbpress data. Everything in the "Source Forum Data" section is clear to me, except the "Wordpress User Table Prefix". I know in the info panel on the right side it says it's for importing a WP forum - which I'm not. Still, I can't continue without. So what exactly am I supposed to enter here? The regular WP users table always has the same prefix as the rest of the WP tables, doesn't it? So that's set in the wp-config.
Now, just to check it out, I entered the same table prefix that I used for the bbpress prefix. While that actually worked, the importer gave me the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function sp_forum_ahah_support() in [...]wp-contentpluginssp-importenginespimport.php on line 8 (truncated by myself)
So as you see, I'm at two losses here.
In most cases of a bbPress import, the user table prefix will be the same as the other bbPress tables but not always as I understand it. bbPress has not always been quite so integrated into WP itself.
As you didn't see the menu and it it failed finding a function I would guess you are using the wrong version. Looks like you are using a V5 importer to try and import into a V4 SP.
The V4 importer is available from the download page on the menu above.
Well, that did the the trick. Thanks for the heads up. The "v5" in the importer's name should have been a clear sign in the first place 🙂
Now, net bump: I get a timeout error after the first forum group is created for simple-forum/library/sf-filters.php, line 869, which is $size = getimagesize($srcfile);. Personally, I've had problems with getimagesize before, so I tried $size = @GetImageSize($srcfile);, which got rid of the timeout error, and the import process actually finished.
Having said that, only part of my bbpress data was imported:
- 440 out of 441 users imported (which seems correct, given that my own account would have been merged with my WP account)
- 1 Group -- correct
- 3 Forums -- correct
- 39 out of 322 topics imported
- 355 out of 2893 posts imported
So I really wonder what happened to the 85% of posts/topics that didn't make it.
Where are you running this? Is it local or on a remote server?
We have mainly success with the importer but every now and then we get one that ends up like this and haven't been able to determiner why yet except it is possibly timing out.
So add the question what is your timeout set to on the server if you know?
I'm running it on my localhost, as I wanna test if everything works out fine before going live.
Concerning the timeouts: I'm not really sure which timeout value I'm looking for, so I give you everything related that I've found in phpinfo()
apache2handler - Timeouts: Connection: 300 - Keep-Alive: 5
HTTP Response Headers - Keep-Alive timeout=5, max=100
mysql - mysql.connect_timeout: local value 3, master value 3
mysqlnd - Read timeout: 31536000
standard - default_socket_timeout: local value 60, master value 60
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