Support Forum
Our site, George Washington Space Society just migrated from Google Groups to Word Press on dedicated hosting. We installed and use SimplePress for our forum- and we really like it. Only one issue. Previously on Google Groups our members could adjust their profile to be immediately notified of a new post or recieve for example a daily or weekly digest. It worked very well since a lot of our members are busy professionals and dont always recall to visit our site and check for announcements, etc.
Is there way emulate such capability in SimplePress?
We don't currently offer an email digest although there is an open ticket to look into ths for the future.
Forum members can subscribe to topics which will send emails but the auto-subscribe feature only applies to topics they post in.
The best option at the moment are the RSS feeds.
ok, uhm is this the code ur talking of?
…in /library/sf-post-support.php (line 89):
sf_send_email($admins_email, __('Forum Post', "sforum").': '.substr($topicname,0,30).'…'.' ['.get_option('blogname').']', $msg, '', $header);
I think the red one is a bug… sf_send_email() accepts only 4 parameters
Is there a chance some code prototype might be offered? I looked at the subscription section and its not apparent how to go about enabling notification of posts to the members. I'm getting more and more querries from our members as to why they are not recieving their notifications like they used to from Google Groups. Any insights appreciated.
not sure what you want Kirk… members can already subscribe to topics… and can auto subscribe to topics they post in… thats very similar to google groups… there is no digest ability and thats a serious code change…
but if you want them to be notified of EVERY new post in the forum change
$users=$wpdb->get_var("SELECT topic_subs FROM ".SFTOPICS." WHERE topic_id=".$newpost['topicid']);
$users=$wpdb->get_col("SELECT user_id FROM ".SFMEMBERS);
and coment out or remove this line
$users = unserialize($users);
and you should be close… obviously havent tested so you may need to play with it… and this will send ALL users an email on EVERY new post… so BEWARE of the load on your server if you have lots of members or a busy forum…
and that code is in sf-post-support.php around line 95...
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Hmm. I gave it shot and the my test time out with this message:
"Forum not set - Unable to create post"
I refreshed the page and my test post appears in the particular forum. I waited a few mintues and the email account under my profile (as site admin) didnt get a notification. Is the code change the only mod I must do? Or as you say this is "close".
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