Support Forum
Hello, i actualy think that topic name prefix would be a fine. Iam one of administrator on forum wich is about creative writing, and we switch to Simple:Forum recently. I have to admit, simplepress is great forum plugin, but i miss this function, a lot. So, is there a posible to make this plugin?
Uh, yea, i try. U can see it on many forums. Its a type of topic before a topic title. Like on this forum, it could be (Request) (Questin) ot something like that. And users can sort topics, so they can choose only topic with questions, or requests. Its actualy hard to describe, cause my english is realy bad. So i hope u get it
have you tried using the topic status plugin for simple press? It allows you to show a status (ie request, question, closed, etc) for a topic...
if that does not work, we can make a note of it, but believe this is first request, so would be some what low priority (we tend to add things that are the most requested)... if its critical for your forum, you could try our custom plugin development service...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
no worries! enjoy! let us know how it goes...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World