Support Forum
Would it be possible to make the forum description field a textarea rather than just a text field?
My reason being, I need to add several lines of text to each forum description, and once saved it only shows a portion of my description (the rest being spluttered out underneath the text field).
The text description works on the forum, but everytime I edit that forum I have to re-add my lengthy description again otherwise it saves only the portion that fits in the limited size text field that currently exists.
Simple modification and would be a handy addition for me in particular, and others I'm sure.
PS: Oh and made a small donation too, great work guys!
Well there is no reason why you shouldn't make the change I guess. the file you need can be found at /admin/panel-forums/forms/sfa-forums-create-forum-form.php and you can find the input text line easily enough and change it.
Buy you should not lose ANY text when you load it up for editing. The text size is not limited to the space in the input field and the database column where the description is held is very big. Assuming this is 4.1.x