Support Forum
I am really a fan of clean, simple, aesthetically pleasing designs for layouts and for the most part simple:press does just that. The only time it really starts to get cluttered is when sub-forums get involved. If you want to see what I mean by the display being cluttered hit up my new forums and see what I'm talking about. I'm sure this could probably be solved at skin level but I lack the knowhow to make such a drastic change to the code. I really tried to sit down and organize things so that I would not end up with sub-sub forums but such a layout ended up just lumping in a bunch of unrelated forums together and was even more of a confusion factor then the cluttered display.
My request is this, allow some ability to hide the sub-forum display from the grand-parent view. This would give a more "file browser" style method of navigation and keep the display from getting unnecessarily cluttered.
Another option would be to allow for groups to have sub-groups which would be a better solution in the end imo as you would not have to create locked category forums as placeholders. In the end I would only really like to see one step down from each display level.
On a side note, I noticed that all the skins' main .css files are compressed into a single line. I understand this is probably done to increase load time, but I was wondering if the "uncompressed" versions could be made available so that those of us trying to customize the look can do so a little more easily.
Anyway keep up the awesome work chaps!
You didn't mention which version you are using but for your first point I would direct you to forum admin > Options > Forum Settings. Top left side of the panel.
On the second point - the CSS uncompressed files ARE provided and this wiki article explains the model:
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