Support Forum
I could not find so open a new thread.
I migrated the forum from Simple Machine Forum to SimplePress and my users was used to one feature that, actually, is very comfy: when an user open a thread, it goes automatically to the last new message that he doesn't have read.
So, if it's a new thread (for that user, that never visited it) it starts from beginning but if, for examples, thread has 10 pages with 100 replies and he read until 68th, when open the thread he starts to see from #69 message. veeery comfy.
This is something that SP already has and I didn't found? may be a setting that I missed, or it's something new? and, in this case, this is an advice to add this feature in SP
Thanks in advance, this forum (both plugin and assistance) is great.
Hakuna Matata
When looking at a list of new or unread topics any that have a "new" button next to them will take the user to the newest last read post not the last post.
Hi Brandon,
ok but not all users want to use that list, mostly part of (at least mostly part of mine) click on thread title and expect that it opens to the last post that they have read, may be weeks before.
To go in menu list and browse what there is new, it's a good thing, well organized but many users simply browses forums, enter in what they are interested and click on a thread and don't want to browse all posts until find the new one.
Anyway if this topic has been already faced and that one is your solution, I accept it but ask anyway if should be possible to add this feature to the existing one.
Thanks in advance.
Hakuna Matata
You could probably add an extra "new" button that sends a user to the first unread post in each forum listing. Quite a few of my requests, on custom themes I have created, is showing the new/recent list to the user at the top of the group view page instead of at the bottom. That way when a user goes to the main forum page the first thing the see is that list. They then can look through it and click on any topic that interests them without having to go to each forum and see what's new.
There is even a way to add the first topic info and last topic in the list. I use something like that here but at the bottom of the group view not at the top. It can be placed at the top easily though.
Well, I should but, in short, a user have to click on a button to go to the latest read post in that thread, instead to click on thread title and simply enter in it?
Also I have a responsive site and when look in this forum (css only theme) with mobile, there are already too many buttons to slalom between so adding another one that does the work that simply clicking on thread does, seems a bit redundant, to me.
Anyway, thanks again for support, you are incredibly fast
Hakuna Matata
wow, that would be extremely annoying to me, if it took me directly to the last unread post... most definitely not what I would want... and why the last??? why not the first??? if this was something I had to deal with, the first would make way more sense than the last...
but hey, not trying to say you a wrong... each person has their own opinions on just about every aspect of the forum - and I think we hear all of them!
let me think on this for a bit, but I think I can give you a small piece of code for your spFunctions.php code that would enable your desired behaviour...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
can you try adding this to your spFunctions.php file of the sp theme you are using...
add_filter('login_redirect', 'my_login_redirect', 99, 3); function my_login_redirect($redirect, $request, $user) { global $spThisUser; $spThisUser = sp_get_user($user->ID, true); if (!empty($spThisUser->newposts)) { $saveUser = $spThisUser; sp_forum_api_support(); $redirect = sp_permalink_from_postid(spdb_table(SFTOPICS, 'topic_id='.$saveUser->newposts['topics'][0], 'post_id')); } return $redirect; }
I think this will give you desired effect...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks Steve,
also a custom patch should be wonderful
Regarding use, I can assure you that opening a thread and arrive directly to the first not read post is very comfortable (may be I wrote uncorrectly "last new message that he doesn't have read", but I mean the FIRST that I don't have read), imagine a 30 pages thread that I missed for some day/week and last post that I read was on 15th, to find it I should read a lot of them, browsinf pages, remembering what I read and finally find what I didn't read, when I can be led directly to that post.
For first or last page the problem doesn't exists because it's only a 1 click far, depending form order that I have (if you become this optionally) choosen, clicking on first or lasta page button but, of course, the best should be make this behavior optional at list at administration level.
Hakuna Matata