Support Forum
Thanks again for your quick reply.
Exactly my thoughts because I also realized that sort order after moving might look odd in the posts display. But I thnk for my admins it is more important to have a post at right topic rather than having this issue.
I will update wp_sfposts and wp_sftopics (post_count field needs to be updated and post_id field I believe represents the very last post_id within a topic - so that might also need to be updated depending upon the post selected to move).
for each affected one... and yes, in sf-database.php
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Hi SPF Dev Team,
I didn't get much time after posting my previous post but today I got little bit of time to work on it. And I am happy to report that it went very smoothly. My Forum now has this feature of mve post to an existing topic working like a charm. Here is the UI :
- Admins will now see a new option in Edit Tools (shown as wrench icon
on top of every post to Admins) called "Move This Post to a Topic".
- Once you click on this menu option a small pop-up will open with a
drop-down list of all the forums.
- Select the destination forum and click"Next>"
- A new small pop-up will open with a drop-down list of all the
existing topics within your chosen forum in previous
- If you selected wrong forum in step 3 you can always go back by
clicking: "<Back"
- Select the destination topic where you want this post to move and
click: "Move Poist"
- A confirmation (or failure if any) message will come up on top of
the page with the yellow background and whola your post has moved.
PS: Earlier option has been renamed appropriately as "Move This Post
to a New Topic"
Thanks for all the help guys to point me to the right direction to build this feature.
nice work. we have a ticket to consider this in future version too...
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