Support Forum
Based on the default settings when I installed SPF, all existing WP members were automatically assigned to user group Members. The risk is that any spam merchants who registered on WP over the past 3 years now have instant access to PMs if they log into the forum plus permission to set up a sig.
Configure the default settings in the dowload ver. Add a new User Group explicitly named New Members with permissions Limited Access. Automatically assign all WP members to this User Group upon install, only if it is a new install.
it's a possibility we could consider. I think, on the whole, that spam registrants don't return. Most of those sort of registrations are automatically done and done because they can and to impose annoyance on people.
We have found that using the spam math on registrations (or other plugins that perform similar tasks) to be pretty effective. And in the forum admin there is a tool for removing them which is worth running every now and then.
We DO get the odd spam here but we know they were registered and entered manually and we can get rid of them pretty quickly usually.