Support Forum
first let me say that yoru product is amazing. it's so amazingly simple to use and so powerful in terms of features.
but the visual design/UI is really too busy and this is a deal breaker for most sites i work on.
my first suggestion is to move away from table-based layouts and go all css. this will make it easier to style.
also it would be great to offer not just skins but skins that have display settings attached so you could have a minimal skin that removed many options.
what i did was spend a couple hours fighting with the tables to hide as much as possible. a simple UI that i like is teh forum at i know this is not useing simplepress but it would be great if there was a way to get simplepress to look like that.
i would like a 'simple simple' mode where it has minimal options/features and just allowed guests. that would be very useful to many users i think.
thanks again for all your hard work. it's really appreciated.
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