Support Forum
Hi guys; great work here with this awesome mod.
We have now installed and running properly, you can watch it here but our readers are telling us that if it is possible to keep running at the same time the possibility of also comnenting via web without entering the forum. So, is any possibility of putting the "text editor" of the forum in the web or are there any other solutions for this?
Thanks in advance for your support and great work.
Yes; please, let me explain it a little better. 🙂
We have the web here;
We had a forum (SFM) but it had another database obviously with its own users.
So, we installed the SPF, and the first day we had commentaries also available trough the usual wordpress "text editor" after every article, but the results of the users leaving their messages trough the web and also trough the forum was a mess beacuase some commentaries appeared after of a commentary that had been posted later.
The thing is that we aiutomatically post the articles we put in the web also in the forum, but we want the commentaries that appear in the web and in the forum to be the same, but we would like (if possible) a way of posting them from the usual "text editor" or from the "text editor" of the copy of the notice that is automatically created in the forum
Sorry for not being able to express myself better, but english is not my mother language.
That makes it very clear. I am afraid what you ask for is not currently implemented and will not appear in the forthcoming 4.1 either. The best I can offer is that the whole area of blog/topic linking is planned for a major overhaul in 4.2 but I can't give you a timeframe on that. But this request will be on the list.