Support Forum
I'm about to launch a membership website and I would like to know if you have the option to protect forum sections for certain members. For example, gold members can access all posts, silver members access all posts except the "gold" section.
Next question: can I protect the forum from non members? If so, how? I use the WishList member plugin and I can protect content if I'm dealing with pages or articles, but I don't know if I can apply this to the Simplepress as it's a plugin. Any suggestions?
Last feature question: I would to know if you have an integration for the WishList Member plugin.
Of course, if none of these features are available now, I would greatly appreciate them. [Image Can Not Be Found]
yes, many of our users are successfully using wishlist member and spf... with spf you have complete control over who can access which forum... using your wishlist groups via wp roles, you can map them to spf user groups and completely control access and permissions to forums.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
have never used wishlist ourselves... but on forum - options - member settings... you can tie a forum user group to a wp role which is what wish list uses... then users are mapped to a user group...
on forum - forums - manage groups and forums you can then assign those user groups with a permission set to a forum and control who has access...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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