Support Forum
Hey, Im using the lastest version of Wordpress with the Theme Swither plugin. This gives users the option to switch between themes.
If say I had one theme that was white and blue then this board would fit in with the scheme, but if I had another theme that was red and black then this board would look different to the theme.
Is it possible to define in the Wordpress theme (like in header.php) which stylesheet to send to the forum?
If I just added a style link in each theme relevant to the corresponding forum theme?. Would that be possible?
Thanks, great plugin,
I don't know of course if you can code up php but I can tell you that the CSS file that the forum will use (the 'skin') is stored in the WP Options table in the following construct:
$sfstyle['sficon'] = 'Icon_set_name';
$sfstyle['sfsize'] = '';
so if you can code up a way of mapping your WP themes to forum skins and changing the option values above BEFORE the forum starts to load then you could do what yoiu want.