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Were you able to take a further look on this fatal error thing in connection with that "BlogPost Linking" thing? Another question would be, wheather I´d be allowed to give your files to Paul Gibbs - the guy who made the achievements Plugin but on the other hand I think you´d not like to see that for it will perhaps be a future member plugin for SP, right?

No I haven't been able to look into the blog linking situation as yet. If nothing else you have kept me pretty busy these last few days
I would rather you did not pass the file onto Mr Gibbs. He is seriously dismissive of Simple:Press - had no interest in supporting it and if we ever had to talk I would feel I had to be critical of his plugin which is not up to the standard I would expect from someone in his position. Try un-installing it for example... But yes - it will also join the SP plugin library.

It was only one criticism I am afraid I had - but I would have hoped for an uninstall option somewhere that would remove all of the data. As we do have with Simple:Press and which any decent plugin should have. Having to manually trawl through various database tables to remove plugin data is just bad design and implementation.
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