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For version 5.7.3 you will need to be updated to the new WordPress version 4.7 released earlier this week.
There is also nothing really significant in this release but it is full of small enhancements and tweaks which we hope make many things better in some small way.
As always the change log is available to view in the forum toolbox. And for a change there are absolutely no theme changes included in this update - so no new codex page.
But - as always - we do recommend all our users to upgrade.
Yay for no theme updates!
And, a flawless upgrade. Thanks for another job well done.
Merry Christmas!
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
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good to hear Jim! thanks and Merry Christmas back at you!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks for the update.
However I have been trying to update through the WP admin panel and it always fails.
My setup:
WP 4.7 French
SP 5.7.2
The only error message I get is "the update failed". I tried 5 times in the last 18 hours.
Good luck!
After further investigation I noticed that SP 5.7.2 was not working correctly. After migrating my site to https (SSL / TLS) I am unable to access any of Simple Press's submenus (for instance Options / General Display settings). I did change the permalink to https but did not change anything else.
So the backend is only partially accessible (none of the submenu pages are) but the front end works fine. And I am unable to upgrade to 5.7.3.
I tried resaving the SP permalink, resaving WP permalinks and even disabling and re-enabling SP.
Simple:Press gets its knowledge of the sites scheme directly from WordPress. If WordPress informs us it is https then we use https. So if you are not seeing SP urls being called with https then that is because Wp itself doesn't know. Have you done everything WP tells you to do to make a site https? There are articles n the WP codex that cover this.
simple press is known to work with ssl (https)... it has in the past, and currently no known issues in the latest release... I might wonder except you said it was the same in previous version...
like Andy, would like to know how you switched to https... there is define needed, plus the urls on wp settings need to reflect https...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks for your answers. The site is working perfectly on the front-end: all pages and resources are delivered through https including the forum. Everything is set up on the WP side to deliver https
In the Simple Press admin panel I have an error message in the browser debugging console:
Uncaught Error: `selector` option must be specified when initializing tooltip on the window.document object!
It's in bootstrap.min.js line 6
When I click on a Simple Press admin link in the left column the page displays OK, for instance:
But when I click on the Simple Press specific submenu of Options, for instance General Display Settings here:
Nothing happens apart from the addition of a # to the end of the URL:
When I click on the SP admin button "save options" I simply get a blank screen with the words "Options updated": the WP admin panel is gone.
So in fact it is not an https issue at all but a simple conflict with Bootstrap - which is probably used by your WordPress theme or perhaps another plugin. Simple:Press does not use it as it is not supported by WordPress and therefore can cause these sort of problems.
It is, perhaps, clashing with the jQuery UI tooltips library (which IS supported and supplied by WordPress) so you could try turning off the use of SP tooltips in your SP theme spFunctions.php file.
Either way - in truth, the problem here does not appear to be a Simple:Press one.
Hi Yellow SF,
Thanks for your answer.
You are correct and I apologize for having doubted SP 🙂
It was a conflict with a self developed plugin. I disabled all the plugins and found the guilty one. One of ours 🙂
I am able to upgrade now.
Sorry again for raising this false alert.
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