Support Forum

Have you used the Simple:Press WordPress forum plugin for a while and know how to really make it work for you? And maybe even know how to make it work for others? If so, you might be the perfect person to write an article or two for our site.
Why would you want to do this? Well, for starters we're paying $300.00 for each article that we publish. And we will provide do-follow links back to your website as well as include your bio in any articles we approve.
What Kinds Of Articles Are We Looking For?
We're looking for articles about sites with any combination of the following elements:
- Integration with membership plugins
- Large forums
- Unique uses for Simple:Press
- Public Service uses for Simple:Press
- Unique integrations with other WordPress plugins
- Developing Integrations to Simple:Press (Technical Articles)
Working Titles
Some examples of article titles might be:
- How we integrated xyz membership plugin with Simple:Press
- How simple:press help us solve xyz issue
- Advanced customer service workflows using Simple:Press
- A step-by-step guide to implementing and integrating xyz plugin with Simple:Press
- An in-depth guide to building a private forum with Simple:Press
- Migrating from xyz forum plugin to Simple:Press
- Growing a business with the Simple:Press plugin
- How we retain our forum membership in an age of social media
Of course, these are just sample titles to give you an idea of what topics might be appropriate. We expect that our user base probably have a much broader set of ideas for articles!
What Should Articles Include?
Articles should be substantial and provide information that other Simple:Press users can use with their own forum. Generally, these kinds of articles exceed 1000 words and include multiple images to illustrate the concepts and techniques discussed.
A typical article might be structured as follows:
- An introduction to your site including link
- A discussion of the industry you operate in
- The problem you are going to solve/discuss
- A summary of Simple:Press helped address the issue(s) you faced
- Step by step instructions and illustrations
- Gotchas and things to look out for
- References and links to more information
- Wrapup
- Your Bio
Articles do not need to be written with perfect grammar or in perfect English - we will copy-edit it as needed. You just need to write it well enough to make clear the ideas that you are attempting to convey.
However, you do need to include the image files separately since embedding them in an MS Word or Google Document reduces the fidelity of images. We might even ask you to retake some of the images in smaller or larger sizes before we can publish. (And if you're really ambitious, you can include a video...)
Are You Interested?
If you're interested in submitting an article, please drop us a note via our contact page or on our forum. Let us know what you'll be writing about and when you might be able to submit a finished article. We'll get back to you with a "yes" or "no" asap.
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