Support Forum
If all goes to plan, some time over the next week WordPress 3.9 will hit the streets and that means that we will be releasing our own update - 5.4.2 - which will be needed by all of our users updating their WP. We will also - at that time, be releasing a few updated plugins that are also dependent upon WordPress 3.9.0. But in the middle of those will be a couple of new plugins which have had to be held back for these releases. And these are Simple:Press support for the popular WordPress MyCred and Achievements plugins.
MyCred Extended Integration
Several of our users have been telling us for a while that the once popular - and Simple:Press supported - CubePoints plugin seems to be currently unsupported and that the new kid on the block and the one we need to look to for the future is MyCred.
Creator Gabriel Merovingi had already incorporated support for Simple:Press in his plugin which was great news to us. MyCred points could already be earned for creating forum topics and posts.
What we have done now is extend the opportunities for MyCred points into other areas of Simple:Press. So our first release of our new MyCred Extended Integration plugin adds myCred support into our Answers Topic, Birthdays, Polls, Post Rating and Post Thanks plugins. And we welcome suggestions or requests to build extra support in the future. Just let us know where you would like it.
Achievements Integration
Another popular WordPress plugin - Achievements - is the second of our two new plugins awaiting release.
In this case author Paul Gibbs has not put in place basic support for Simple:Press - to quote him 'his money is on bbPress' so we understand why! - so we have kicked this off with basic support for creating new forum topics and new forum posts.
As with our extended MyCred plugin - we are always happy to look at other options that may be suitable for inclusion as achievement targets. Just raise it as a request in out forums and it will be considered.
Meanwhile we hope all fans of MyCred or Achievements will find the new plugins useful.
Paul Gibbs clearily do not understand how feature rich Simple:Press is compared to bbPress.
SP is by far the best WP forum plugin at the market today!