Support Forum
This release corrects an issue where subscription notification emails can have blank content for posts that needed moderation.
Who's Online
This release corrects an issue from a recent update to the plugin that can cause the admin to hang when saving.
Membership Subscribe
This release corrects an issue where its possible for one of the template tags to fail because an included file isn't available.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hi. My subscription plugin worked fine until this recent upgrade. Then it made my forum go haywire. My developer had to uninstall it and said it was broken.
He cited this error:
Here's the error (it first appeared 3 hours ago and nothing changed on the server):
line: 245
function: select
error: Unknown column 'topic_subs' in 'field list'
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS group_id, wp_xr5opz_sftopics.topic_id, wp_xr5opz_sftopics.forum_id, topic_name, topic_slug, topic_status, topic_pinned, topic_icon, topic_opened, wp_xr5opz_sftopics.post_count, forum_name, forum_slug, forum_status, forum_disabled, forum_rss_private, wp_xr5opz_sfposts.post_id, post_date, wp_xr5opz_sfposts.user_id, wp_xr5opz_sftopics.user_id AS topic_starter, guest_name, guest_email, post_status, post_pinned, post_index, post_edit, poster_ip, source, post_content, NULL AS new_post, topic_subs FROM wp_xr5opz_sftopics JOIN wp_xr5opz_sfposts ON wp_xr5opz_sftopics.topic_id=wp_xr5opz_sfposts.topic_id JOIN wp_xr5opz_sfforums ON wp_xr5opz_sftopics.forum_id=wp_xr5opz_sfforums.forum_id WHERE wp_xr5opz_sftopics.topic_id=136 ORDER BY post_pinned DESC, wp_xr5opz_sfposts.post_id ASC LIMIT 0, 20
that doesnt make any sense... its not broken for thousands of users... and that 'not found' column has existed since the subscriptions plugin was created... did you verify the column is in your db?? what version did you upgrade from? perhaps the download was corrupted during the wp plugin upgrade?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sorry Steve but the column 'topic_subs' was removed a long time back when we switched to the user activities table. And the subscriptions plugin has gone through several updated releases since.
So what we should, perhaps, look at is versions. What version of Subscription did you update from and what versions of the core SP are you running there?
hey, I typed it backwards!!! 🙂 but did ask same question about versions...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hi there. So I installed the plugin a year ago and have made any upgrades you've issued along the way. (Again, it worked fine til recent upgrade)
The one that broke the forum was Version 5.5.8" (version number retrieved from the WordPress Plugins Status page)
So we deleted it and reinstalled the original zip file I got from this site a year ago, which my developer says is:
Subscriptions Plugin version 1.4 (version number retrieved from sp-subscriptions-plugin.php)
1.4? pretty old - latest if 1.4.12... you didnt say which version of wp and sp?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Current version of both SP and WP.
Where can I download the subscription plugin that is just before this most recent update?
It's not that easy. The column - 'topic_subs' - that appears top be your databased problem in the error log entry was removed from the subscriptions plugin totally in version 1.4.7 that was released 17th December 2014 alongside Simple:Press version 5,.5.3.
Simple:Press now stands at version 5.5.8 and the Subscriptions plugin at 1.4.12. These versions do NOT have any reference to the topic_subs column and have not had this since last December.
So something seems incomplete in your versioning.
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