Support Forum
So to alleviate those headaches and because the Codex is now using WordPress Custom Post Types for the data, it made a lot of sense to combine it with the support site. It will also allow us to remove a WordPress installation and manage all memberships from a single domain. We spent the last week or so porting over the data and ironing out some CSS issues, but everything went very smoothly. We will still be tweaking the CSS to get things where we finally want it, but we really wanted to get everything live here on the support site.
We still have a lot of links out there, including in every Simple:Press admin dashboard that points to the old Codex site. Luckily with a little bit of .htaccess rewrite magic, we were able to redirect all codex requests from the old subdomain over here to the support site. So, it should be a seamless changeover for our users.
The new Codex is now officially resident at:
The new Information pages (brought over from the old Codex Information pages) is now officially resident at and we plan to add more items there over time. We also have a new member of the team who is beginning to work on adding more content to the Codex. First step for him will be to get the missing new plugins for Simple:Press added to the Codex. Welcome Ken!
We hope you enjoy the new location of the Codex. Please let us know if you run into any issues in using or finding information in the Codex.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
My first post.
I am a new purchaser of the Platinum Bundle and looking foward to using the whole package in a forum supporting a membership site.
I have to say that you guys have the best thing going forward with Wordpress.
I spent some time looking at this and choose you over everyone else.
I will be using the Codex exstensively for building my forum at
Billy Delaney