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With some of the structural changes made in recent versions, ie adding of more caching and reusable objects, it was time again to see how much more db performance we could eek out. Depending on your configuration and plugins in play, you may see as much as a 33% reduction in the number of queries on the main forum page views of group, forum and topic views. That is a significant reduction in query numbers but may not mean a pure 33% performance increase in rendering because not all queries are created equal. But, things should be snappier!
Potentially even more important, we have identified areas for further work (too late in 5.5 cycle for large changes) on caching and db queries. We will hit those during the 5.5.1 development efforts.
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This is fantastic news. I'm so glad you're working and focusing on performance. Can't wait for this! Are we still on track for this week end?
We try to put a performance review and as much optimisation as we can get done in most '.0' releases (i.e., 5.5.0 which is coming) and also identify other areas we can work on through the life of this point updates.
As to when... let's just say within a few days but hopefully early.
Great! This is very welcome news. I'll be holding my breath for this moment.
I'm not sure of the scale of other sites. But I have 8000 members and between 30-60 connected at the same time. This is running on a dedicated nginx server. Despite this the forum pages are the slowest of my site and my priority in terms of performance improvement.
I also leverage a CDN for all static resources.
Despite this end-user page load time for the forum pages is between 8 and 12 seconds (I benchmark this every day).
Kind regards,
By it's very nature and the fact that it is a data intensive structure - forums will always be slower than more static data items like WP posts and pages etc. It is the nature of the beast.
What might be more of interest to you coming in the 5.5.0 release is support for innoDB tables plus a small plugin to enable you to update all of your forum tables to the innoDB engine. You can find a topic on this earlier in this forum.
Yes, I have read the blog post twice but it's still way above my head what this really means - both technically and from a real life performance perspective.
Are we on track for the launch today?
@Blaise Fiedler, I would love to know if you have noticed an improvement since installing the new 5.5
I run a membership site with the WP plugin Wishlist with a few thousand active members and I am highly considering going with SimplePress because of it's functionality and feel. I too worry about load times.
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