Support Forum
Hi !
I'm newly dev for an existing wordpress with simple press forum ( As all the profile section was broken with a php warning, i've tried to update simple press. a fatal error later (latest sf version needs 4.7 wp or greater, it seemed), i've decided to put my old 5.6.7 version online. But the database was altered. I pushed the old tables for empty tables (permissions) and sfoptions.
But i still have this error : "Le groupe que vous demandez n'existe pas ou vous n'êtes pas autorisé à y accéder". (group not exists or not allowed for access).
How can i get this forum back ?
(no i can't update my wordpress, don't ask why).
Many thanks,
as a 'guest' - non-logged in user - I can view al the groups, forums and posts. So I am unsure what you are saying is broken. Can you be more precise?
Yes, some users seem to have permissions for forums, but other (three of us so far) are denied for access. All data seem to be there, but some members (me included) can't list the forums and don't see last posts widgets.
Is there any groups change between 5.6 and 5.7 ?
Thanks again,
Try resetting the auths cache in the toolbox > housekeeping.
If that does not change anything then check your forum permissions
Good guess, in french, the message talks only about Toolbox, not housekeeping, so i've missed that form.
Permissions seem to be ok now, but i obtain a fatal error because of the theme :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function sp_UserNewPostFlag() in /home/www/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-themes/default/templates/spGroupView.php on line 63
this function sp_UserNewPostFlag() is called two times in two files. I've muted the lines.
Sounds like your SP theme is up to date but as you said earlier - your core SP is behind so does not have that display function.