Support Forum
I do like to know if Simple Press is compatible with BuddyPress? I read this blog post on your website, but couldn't find any other information regarding this topic.
Thank you,
Hey Kevin,
Looking at the blog posts I can't see a point where it was announced as released, so apologies for that!
Yes, take a look at the plugin page and as you can see, we do offer a buddypress support plugin
yes, see the plugin details as Ike says... but compatible is a broad term... so if you have specific concerns, would be better to elaborate on them...
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I posted this topic with a guest account. As far as I can see, the BuddyPress integrations covers a few things like activity wall posting, avatar support and so on. It would be great to have more compatibility between both plugins, just like:
- Latest topics posted by user x on their BuddyPress profile
- Latest replies posted by user x on their BuddyPress profile
- One central point to set the settings for signature, profile details and so on...
first two are shown in the buddy bar (or admin bar) but we could consider in future adding to profile as well..
we already allow for editing the major sp options including signature from the bp profile... so not sure what else you are looking for there...
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