Support Forum

I'm trying to install your plugin for the first time but it will not install. I followed the install steps from your site, uploaded the files to the correct folder, went into my Admin, refreshed the page but the plugin does not show up.
i'm using self hosted WP 4.0.
Obviously if I can't get the plugin installed chances of me signing up for your membership are pretty slim. Need to get it working first before I pay for support.
To be honest only three things come to mind... It's in the wrong place; it has the wrong folder name... or perhaps it has become corrupted during one of the ftp operations (something that used to be common with FileZilla by the way).
So - location should be wp-content/plugins/ - and the folder name should be 'simple-press'.

ok, so now i see it but it doesnt run:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare sp_get_option() (previously declared in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/public/template-tags/deprecated.php:484) in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-api/sp-api-primitives.php on line 95
Well, when you code a function in WP it is good practice (and an official guideline) to use your plugin name as a prefix in some way. In our case we use 'sp' - or more specifically in this instance sp_get_option().
The events calendar plugin also has a function called sp_get_option() which is causing the conflict.
As far as we are aware this is the only conflicting function title out there, although we were under the impression that they had changed their function name in accordance with the guidelines some time ago.
Have you got the latest version of their plugin?

Yup, I do have the latest version but i think issue lies with the "free" version. i have the Pro version which i think gets updates on regular basis but it requires the "free" version to be installed at the same time.
So what can I do to fix this? I really want to add a forum to my site.
I don't really have an answer. I have no idea why the event calendar authors used the 'sp_' prefix for this particular function. As Ike said above - the convention and WP guidelines are to use the plugin initials which we have strictly adhered to.
You could, perhaps, try removing the event calendar plugin from the forum page so that it's code is not loaded. Although this still might cause errors on other pages as there are certain SP checks that have to be made for every page load. You could ask the event calendar authors if there is a specific update for this issue...

they told me to add this to my wp-config.php file:
but it did not do anything, the error still appears when I try to activate Simple Press.
afraid we cannot offer much help with that define, but only way it would work would bee if they wrapped the duplicate function in an 'if' check...
you could always edit the plugin and change the name where used...
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