Support Forum
I try your awesome Forum Plugin but i got a problem! I want to change the order of the Groups and Forum and always when i try to moove the Group or the Whole forum i can moove it but nothing will happened!
When i try it for the 2nd or 3rd time this will happened:
What can i do? Which Information do u need? Sry for my bad english, but i hope u will understand me what my problem is ^^
Hey KakumeiOnline,
Firstly I should just point out that this forum is for pre-membership queries rather than support, but I could at least point you in the right direction..
This is nearly always down to a conflict of some kind, check the browser console to see if you are getting any problems while reordering, and if so try disabling all WP plugins to see if that fixes the problem, then re-enable them one by one until you find the offending plugin.
Also of course, make sure you are running the latest version of WP, SP and WP plugins.
Hmmm Gallery Bank Pro makes this Problems...great and i pay for this plugin Oo
Can u do something against that or must i report it to the Gallery Bank Pro support to fix this?
It's something you should take up with Gallery Bank Pro in any case, although it's not a plugin I've heard of or used, it's potentially doing something iffy with jquery or AJAX.
But ok the Forum Plutgin works fine without problems....the only "Problem" is that i cant changethe order but now when i just to make a new order i diseable the gallery plugin and enable it after again ^^
but good to know. want to fix that before i do a membership for the other plugins here =)
Great work Guys! Love it to got a forum who looks rly like a forum!
I am tempted too to say you should talk to the other plugin authors. It is worth noting that the code we use on the forum re-ordering panel is built-in core WordPress functionality so if everything behaves itself it should work just fine.
Yeah i contact them already, i hope they can fix that. They answer me already that they will check this.
They want an useracc with admin permissions to look herself for the problem and they fix it! Now it works with the Gallery Plugin.
I ask them how they fix this, that i can do it on my own the next time and will tell u about it!